Nike+ Running – In Run Experience & Level Colours
The ‘In-run’ experience for the Nike+ Running app is a key piece of functionality. It has to show important run metrics at a glance, and provide easy access to map and music controls.
Nike also wanted it to showcase each runner’s run level so they could display it with pride. Level colours recognise the total distance a runner has covered with Nike. There are seven levels and milestones within each to keep people motivated and reward progress.
My solution was to utilise the 26º angle of the iconic ‘Nike Running V’ as the core design element. The UI pieces were carefully positioned and the layout evolved whilst being tested out on the run.
Design direction
Digital branding
Mobile design
Data visualisation
UI design

Levels recognise the total distance a runner has covered. There are seven levels. Milestones within each keep runners motivated and reward progress.